Alaska Resource Review - 2024

LOOKING BACK: RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL FOR ALASKA THROUGH THE YEARS We’ve been championing work in ANWR since long before this 2001 issue. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Resource Review April 2001 A periodic publication of the Resource Development Council, Inc. This edition sponsored by Arctic Slope Regional Corp. Alaskans overwhelmingly support opening fraction of ANWR for oil INSIDE • ANWR on its own merits: A case for oil development • Myths of ANWR •The truth about Arctic caribou Murkowski’s new energy package The area within ANWR proposed for oil and gas development is the flat and treeless Coastal Plain which represents eight percent of the 19.6-million acre refuge. Congress specifically excluded this area from ANWR’s Wilderness designation in 1980. A new poll of Alaska residents shows overwhelming support across the state for oil and gas development in the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Dittman Research Corporation conducted a statewide telephone poll in January to ask the same question posed over the past eleven years. “Do you support oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, also known as ANWR?” “Public support has consistently exceeded opposition by wide margins over ten years,” states the Dittman Research report. With 75 percent favoring development, the 2001 results show the highest approval since the polling question was first posed to Alaskans. “Oddly enough, our fellow Alaskans don’t believe that Alaskans support development in ANWR,” said Jerome Selby, Co-Chair of Arctic Power. “The long-term, consistent polling data presented today should end that belief.” (Continued to page 7) Question: Do you support or oppose oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, also known as ANWR? Support 75% Oppose 23% Unsure 2% ALASKA RESOURCE REVIEW WINTER 2024 38