The Alaska Miner Winter 2024 26 Our affiliated brands of companies include engineering services, resin manufacturing, rolled-steel and drillsteel manufacturing, custom steel fabrication, roof, miner and specialty bits, chemical roof support and sealing products, and even includes staffing solutions and our own trucking company. This ability to provide a complete range of complementary products and services ensures quality, efficiency and availability resulting in reduced costs, reduced lead times and increased customer satisfaction! GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS • PITTSBURGH, PA USA (412) 963-9071 • SUPPORTING THE WORLD AND YOU WITH SAFETY, SERVICE AND INNOVATION We've just completed Board of Director elections for 2024! Watch for the spring issue of The Alaska Miner for profiles of our entire 2024-25 Board of Directors. Our board of directors, executive leadership and committees are among the most engaged advocates for Alaska and Alaska mining. On the next page you see the previous board at its last meeting at the 2023 annual convention. Please thank our board and officers for their service and consider joining one of our standing committees. For more information, contact Executive Director Deantha Skibinski.