
TRAVELASTORIA.COM | OLDOREGON.COM 7 Y RY Occupied by both the U.S. and Britain after the Treaty of 1818, the area officially became a U.S. territory in 1848. Large immigrant populations, particularly Scandinavians and Chinese, flocked to the Pacific Northwest in the late19th century. They joined the colorful local fishermen and became central figures in the bustling fishing and canning industries that helped to make Astoria the liveliest boomtown between San Francisco and Seattle. These industries are still prominent in Astoria today. Although the fur, timber, and canning industries are not what they once were, the Astoria and Warrenton region has demonstrated its resilience by also offering a vibrant, exciting tourist destination. The Astoria Column is a monument to the natural riches of the Pacific Northwest and the people who settled there. Photo: Don Frank Photography