Fall 2023 The Alaska Miner 73 Upcoming Schedule n Oct. 2-5: Mine Closure Conference 2023. ACG's Mine Closure 2023 Conference. Reno, Nevada, USA at the Nugget Resort Casino in collaboration with the University of Nevada Reno. www. acgmineclosure.com. n Oct. 5: Fairbanks Industry Update Forum, Alaska Support Industry Alliance. Westmark Hotel and Convention Center, Fairbanks. www. alaskaalliance.com. n Nov. 6-9: AMA Annual Convention in Anchorage; Convention registration, agenda and more details at www. alaskaminers.org/ convention n Nov. 15-16: 44th Annual Alaska Resources Conference, Alaska Resource Development Council, Anchorage. www.akrdc.org/ conference n November AGC Annual Convention: www.agcak. org/annual-conference n December AEMA Annual Meeting: www. miningamerica.org/ annualmeeting Branch Meetings n AMA Statewide Branch meetings have resumed! These meetings are held biweekly on Zoom. n For meeting schedule and Zoom link, visit www.alaskaminers.org n AMA local branches are meeting in person. Contact your branch chair or visit www.alaskaminers.org for your local branch schedule. n Contact Jennifer, jennifer@alaskaminers.org, with any questions. Colaska leads Alaska in transportation infrastructure construction and maintenance. We are also a subsidiary of Colas Group, the world-wide leader in road construction. 4000 Old Seward Rd, Suite 101 Anchorage, AK 907-273-1000 info@colaska.com 50+ years and 7,000+ projects in Alaska