Alaska Resource Review - Summer 2024 3 HAPPY SUMMER EVERYONE! It feels so good to say that (in truth, I’ve been waiting months to say it)! I love to see our days turning into sun-filled hours, passing the Solstice, and leaving last winter’s snow records behind us. For those in southcentral Alaska, you know what I’m talking about! I hope you all enjoyed our last issue of the Alaska Resource Review magazine and in this second comeback, we hope the content continues to inform you of many of the things we are working to support you. As always, I truly want your feedback so please drop me a line anytime! This issue is packed full of great updates. Apart from our regular content on issues impacting our industries, you’ll find a legislative update of our accomplishments in Juneau, a recap of our 49th Annual Membership Luncheon, and a new column I’m calling “Telling Our Story.” This new column will focus on the good things our industries are doing. It’s not just a “pat on the back” or “humble bragging.” Our companies are engaged in some really incredible partnerships that we rarely hear about unless you’re a member of that local community. In this vein, there’s a recognition that we are truly terrible at sharing our stories of the good things you do in your industries and in your communities. It also must be recognized that our lack of sharing these stories comes at a cost. If no one knows these stories, then it becomes harder for us to help promote the good works you do to ensure you have a balanced community of responsible development and economic commitment to sustain your local economies. This will be a recurring column, so if you have a story to share … send it our way! Together, we continue “Growing Alaska Through Responsible Resource Development.” If we’ve learned anything over the nearly 50 years that RDC has been in action, it is that we can’t do it alone. And if I’ve learned anything in my role here at RDC, this has never been truer than now. Following last year’s unprecedented preemptive veto by the EPA of the Pebble Project, recently, BLM issued a nearly unprecedented “no action” alternative on the Ambler Road project. We’ve seen similarly unprecedented expansive rulemakings for the NPR-A and BLM lands that will have the impact of severely restricting any future development of Alaska’s resources. We’ve faced many unprecedented challenges with the current federal administration — challenges that upset what we know as the established system of checks and balances between the several branches (and so-called invisible fourth branch) of government. We must remain unified to continue battling these challenges. As we continue to grow, please help me welcome a new face here at RDC! Some of you have already met him, but please read this edition to “meet” our newest team member, External Affairs and Policy Coordinator, Connor Hajdukovich. He joined our team just in time for the legislative session in Juneau and has been absolutely instrumental in coordinating coverage of our prime policy issues. Connor has extensive experience working for our delegation in Washington, D.C. and comes from a long line of family in Interior Alaska. I couldn’t ask for better! If you haven’t already, please help me welcome him to the team. We just wrapped up our 49th annual Membership Luncheon with one of the largest attendance rates in RDC history. I owe you all a very special THANK YOU for making that possible. It’s truly an honor to see that level and support and I hope we continue to provide the level of content and information that keeps you engaged. Our members, meaning YOU, are a force to be reckoned with when we engage collectively. Let’s continue that momentum for the rest of the year and please, save the date for our annual conference happening Nov. 12-14, 2024! Yours resourcefully, PLEASE SHARE YOUR STORIES AND KEEP MOMENTUM GOING “If we’ve learned anything over the nearly 50 years that RDC has been in action, it is that we can’t do it alone. And if I’ve learned anything in my role here at RDC, this has never been truer than now.” — Leila Kimbrell, Executive Director, RDC VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 2 | SUMMER 2024