Alaska Resource Review - Summer 2024 31 VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 2 | SUMMER 2024 Alaska’s seafood industry in federally managed waters, while SCR 10 creates a Joint Legislative Seafood Industry Task Force to focus in-state efforts. These are good examples of working together. However, in May, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) issued a positive finding to list chinook salmon as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This finding resulted from a petition filed by a Washington state-based environmental group in January. The finding starts the clock for a formal status review under the ESA with a 90-day public comment period. If approved, this has massive consequences for Alaskans. This would cover all Chinook from all rivers flowing into the Gulf of Alaska to include rivers of Southeast Alaska, Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, Kodiak, and the Alaska Peninsula. The Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G) issued a statement calling this a significant action that the State opposes. ADF&G notes the petition contains numerous data errors, does not accurately reflect the State’s jurisdictional management, and ignores the State’s constitutionally required sustainable management principles that account for downturns in stock productivity that can be normal for a species. Even NMFS acknowledges serious deficiencies in the data provided by the petitioner. We must continue our collective “focus on fish” if we are to ensure a thriving industry for Alaska’s future. The NMFS decision would have far-reaching implications throughout all of Alaska and needed input from Alaskans, not out-of-state interests. Nor should this be a rushed process. More review time is needed for a decision on such technical matters and with such far-reaching consequences. The public comment period has been extended to Sept. 7. RDC encourages you to submit comments at https:// NOAA-NMFS-2024-0042-001. Please reference NMFS ID number NOAANMFS-2024-0042-0001. Pipeline Construction & Maintenance | EPC Contracting Powerplant Construction | General Contracting Anchorage | Deadhorse | 907.278.4400 | Thousands of Miles of Experience Committed to Client Satisfaction Dedicated to Safety Excellence Photo by Lee Leschper The precipitous decline in Alaska’s state fish, the chinook salmon, is now being considered for endangered species listing, which would impact all Alaska fishermen.