Alaska Resource Review - Summer 2024

capable people who want to grow our state economy and increase our global impact. WHAT WAS AN EXPERIENCE YOU WON’T FORGET? I took a tour of the Red Dog mine when I was in U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan’s office, and it was an experience that has stuck with me. Not only the challenges of standing up an operation of that scale in remote Alaska, but the impressive reclamation efforts and the health of the fish and ecosystems in the surrounding areas. WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT THIS BUSINESS? AND ABOUT ALASKA? Apart from the incredible access to the outdoors, the people here are truly unique in the best way. At a time where people seem to be more disconnected than ever in the rest of the U.S., Alaskans are great at creating close communities that help one another and not letting superficial challenges slow them down. WHERE DO YOU SEE ALASKA IN 50 YEARS? Alaska’s strategic location combined with the changing sea-ice conditions will only make Alaska more influential and accessible than it already is in foreign affairs and global commerce. The investments we are making today in infrastructure, resource development, and energy transmission will be critical to ensuring Alaska can keep up in the coming decades. WHAT DO YOU SEE AS OUR BIGGEST CHALLENGES? AND OPPORTUNITIES? A unified voice will be important as we seek to craft our own future, separate from one that D.C. or the Lower 48 pushes on us. Our opportunities are limitless if we can agree on investments today that will pay out in the long-term. WHAT KEEPS YOU AWAKE AT NIGHT? Both sides of my family have a long history in Alaska, and I hope to contribute as they did to making our state a better place to live for future generations. It’s a big legacy to live up to! WHAT DOES THE RDC MEAN TO YOU? I’ve seen how respected RDC is as an institution within our state and I’m proud to be a part of such an organization. It’s been a pleasure to learn about the long and hard-fought history of resource development in our state, and the innovation in today’s resource development industries that has created new efficiencies, economic opportunities, and increased environmental stewardship. WHAT DO YOU DO FOR FUN? I enjoy playing sports and exploring new areas of the state. Since moving to Anchorage, I’ve enjoyed meeting new people and getting out in the community. I’m an avid learner and reader and love to take deep dives into new concepts and debate complex issues. ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANT TO SHARE? Thank you to our board members who have been so welcoming to me in my new role! I look forward to supporting all of you in our mission to grow Alaska through responsible resource development! CONNOR HAJDUKOVICH CONNOR@AKRDC.ORG (M) 907-978-4278 (O) 907-276-0700 35 VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 2 | SUMMER 2024 Photos Courtesy Connor Hajdukovich Connor brings a diverse background to his new role, including service on Sen. Dan Sullivan’s D.C. staff (above). Born and raised in Fairbanks, his family has extensive experience in Alaska aviation. Opposite page, hunting with his father (under a double rainbow) and with a Bering Air aircraft with his brother Nick.