Alaska Resource Review - Summer 2024

Discussion focuses on how global seafood market impacts state U.S. SEN. DAN SULLIVAN (R-ALASKA) CONVENED A ROUNDTABLE MEETING IN MAY WITH ALASKA COMMUNITY AND FISHERIES LEADERS, COMMERCE SECRETARY GINA RAIMONDO, AND OTHER SENIOR FEDERAL OFFICIALS TO DISCUSS HOW THE GLOBAL SEAFOOD MARKET CRISIS IS IMPACTING ALASKA BUSINESSES, COASTAL COMMUNITIES AND FISHERMEN. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Rep. Mary Sattler Peltola (D-Alaska) also joined. The discussion focused on federal policy initiatives that can improve the competitive position of U.S.-produced seafood. “Alaska’s fishermen, seafood industry and coastal communities are in dire straits, facing the worst market conditions in decades,” said Sen. Sullivan. “High inventory and Russian dumping of seafood have eroded prices, and high production costs in the U.S only continue to accelerate. I convened this meeting with Secretary Raimondo and other senior administration officials because, like any other vital economic sector, our fisheries deserve secretarial leadership and a strategy across the federal government to meet these unprecedented challenges.” “Alaska’s commercial fishing industry is in crisis, which is threatening our coastal communities,” said Matt Alward, President of United Fisherman of Alaska. “There are specific actions the federal government can take to help the fishing industry withstand the global market collapse.” “Fishing is the backbone of all the CDQ communities, and vital for dozens of other communities throughout the State,” said Luke Fanning, CEO of the Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association. “The salmon market collapse has devasted the Bristol Bay economy and our residents’ way of life,” said Michael Link, President & CEO of Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation. “But we are in the midst of an unprecedent crisis across the entire seafood industry and BBEDC is heavily invested in salmon processing and all the offshore fisheries.” The Alaska seafood industry employs roughly 48,000 workers and provides a tax base for more than 142 communities. 9 VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 2 | SUMMER 2024 ALASKA DELEGATION, FISHERMEN MEET ON CRISIS