Hawaii Parent - July-August 2024

106 HAWAII PARENT July/August 2024 ance and correction. Without a strong connection, correction can feel like criticism or rejection, leading to defensiveness or resistance. Spending quality time together and consistently showing understanding and support will create a trusting environment. 2. Emotional Development: Connection fosters emotional intelligence and resilience in children. When parents prioritize connection, they create an environment where children feel comfortable expressing their emotions openly. This emotional closeness helps children develop a strong sense of self-worth and confidence. Avoid criticizing by listening more and lecturing less. 3. Effective Communication: Connected parents are better able to communicate with their children. They can understand their child’s perspective, empathize with their feelings, and effecChildren need opportunities to explore, make mistakes, and learn from them without the fear of shame or guilt. tively convey their expectations and boundaries. This leads to more productive and respectful interactions, making corrections more effective when necessary. Instead of scolding your child about the importance of ending playtime, empathize by saying, “I understand you’re feeling sad because you wanted to play longer.” Children who feel understood and not judged want to cooperate and engage in less conflict. 4. Building Relationships: Connection lays the foundation for a strong parentchild relationship. When children feel connected to their parents, they are more likely to seek guidance and support. This bond can withstand challenges and conflicts, creating a lasting relationship built on love and mutual respect. During a screen time conflict, listen to your child’s concerns about wanting more time. Validate their feelings by saying, “I understand you enjoy playing “This trust allows them to be more receptive to guidance and correction.”