Hawaii Parent - July-August 2024

114 HAWAII PARENT July/August 2024 the couch. Give random hugs. Remember why you fell in love in the first place. Remember the big picture. As for my husband and me, I know we’re doing just fine, even if our date nights are few and far between. In the grand scheme of things, this isn’t the end of the world - it’s just a season of life. Eventually our kids will grow up and move out, and we will once again have the freedom to enjoy date nights at our leisure. In the meantime, we can always order sushi. you want to get back into the habit of routine date nights, sign up to receive some of these daily deal emails. Buy a few that pique your interest, and then add them to your calendar. Embrace the small moments. With so much pressure surrounding date night, it’s easy to feel frustrated when you can’t make one happen regularly. But it’s also important to remember - especially while children are young and require so much of our energy and attention - that a strong marriage or relationship is about a lot more than the occasional night out on the town. There are many ways to connect as a couple, and regular date nights represent only one of them. Don’t disregard the small opportunities to enjoy each other’s company that exist in everyday life. Share an inside joke. Say thank you. Snuggle on “Don’t disregard the small to enjoy each other’s company that exist in everyday life.” Waikiki sunset with view of Diamond Head Sunset Cruise with And You Creations www.andyoucreations.com Break ‘N Anger Smash Lab & Splatter Art Studio www.breaknanger.com Bay View Mini-Putt & Zipline www.bayviewminiputt.com Polynesian Cultural Center www.polynesia.com Screen on the Green at Waimea Valley www.waimeavalley.net FUN LOCAL DATE NIGHT IDEAS