Hawaii Parent - July-August 2024

126 HAWAII PARENT July/August 2024 Setting boundaries teaches children when sharing is appropriate and when it’s okay to keep things for themselves. others’ personal preferences and possessions. Establish clear rules about personal boundaries and respect and teach them to ask for permission before taking or using someone else’s belongings. Reinforce the idea that it’s okay to say no and provide them with polite ways to express their feelings. 3. Create opportunities for sharing: It might help to create scenarios where your child can practice sharing in a controlled environment, such as playdates or family gatherings. Try using age-appropriate stories, turn-taking games, and roleplaying activities to reinforce these lessons in a fun and engaging way. Stories that depict characters navigating the complexities of sharing and personal space can provide relatable examples. Here is some advice on teaching children how to balance the concepts of sharing and generosity with personal space and self-respect: 1. Lead by example: Children learn a great deal by observing the behavior of adults around them. Demonstrate sharing in your daily interactions and explain why it’s important. For instance, share your own belongings with family members and friends in front of your child, and talk about how it makes you and others feel. This can help children see sharing as a positive and rewarding experience. 2. Set clear expectations: At the same time, teach them to listen and observe cues from others. If a child does not want to share a particular item, explain that it’s okay to have and respect their own and “Reinforce the idea that it’s okay to say no and provide them with polite ways to express their feelings.”