Hawaii Parent - July-August 2024

134 HAWAII PARENT July/August 2024 to plan ahead and think about his or her work, a skill potentially vital to success in both school and life. Watercolors can bleed and blend, meaning a piece must be carefully considered in advance. This lesson will not likely be picked up immediately but gives your child ample opportunities to experiment, and they may surprise you. COLLAGE Life Skills: Problem Solving and OutsideThe-Box Thinking Collage is excellent for a number of reasons. The first that comes to mind is that it is perfect for those of us who may not have a natural talent for drawing or sketching. You cut and paste. If you needed a perfect hand but could never draw one, you only need to cut a picture out of a magazine. Finger painting may be your child’s first introduction to action painting. own path. No multiple choice test can teach that. There is no one way to create art, nor one way to reap its benefits. Try some of the activities below to open the doors to your child’s creativity. WATERCOLORS Life Skill: Planning Ahead Watercolor is often the first painting medium introduced to children. Others may include tempera (poster paint) or acrylics, with acrylics being much less washable. Watercolors can be less expensive and less messy, since they usually can be found in convenient ready-to-use cases. In addition to being a calming and therapeutic medium, watercolors have a very transparent quality that requires the artist “Watercolors have a very transparent quality that requires the artist to plan ahead and think about his or her work.”