Hawaii Parent - July-August 2024

Put some thought into your audition look. There are no magic outfits that will guarantee you’ll be cast but be sure you wear clothes you can move well in, makes you feel confident, and looks put together. Also, make sure your hair is not hanging in your face. Do the best you can. Once you are onstage, introduce yourself and what you will be performing. Then take a deep breath, relax and do the best you can. When you are finished, wait for any questions that the director may have for you, answering them the best you can. Always say “thank you” when you are finished. At Mo’olelo Studios, we initially ask for you to sing one song and tell a joke. It’s important to select an appropriate song that you can sing well. If it’s a Disney-type show, sing a Disney-type song. If it’s more of a pop musical, choose a pop song. Make sure you know the difference between a joke and a riddle. A riddle is usually in the form of a question (what do you call a …?) with a oneword punchline. It may be funny, but it doesn’t show much of your acting ability; this is what the joke is for. Choose a tasteful joke that tells a short story and ends with a clever punchline. Be sure to work some expressions into telling it. If you sing and tell a joke well enough – you’ll be called back for a dance or movement audition. For dance callbacks, wear loose clothing and shoes you can move well in. The choreographer will likely teach a dance combination (a sequence of steps). You’ll have a little while to learn the combination, and then you’ll perform it (often in small groups). Whether you’re a trained dancer or not, do your best to learn and 78 HAWAII PARENT July/August 2024 Cast members at Mo’olelo Studios practice their lines before showcasing their performance on the big stage. “If you sing and tell a joke well enough – you’ll be called back for a dance or movement audition.”