Hawaii Parent - July-August 2024

July/August 2024 HAWAII PARENT 83 Call 911 for an unsafe scene, compromised “ABCs” and other critical emergencies. “(You) always want to check to make sure the scene is safe to do first aid,” explains Diep. “This means that you’re not trying to administer first aid in the middle of busy traffic or in a similar situation where all people involved may be hurt. If there is any concern about the scene not being safe, (it’s) best to just immediately dial 911 and await paramedic instructions.” “You always want to check the ABC’s, which is airway, breathing and circulation,” continues Diep. “If any of these are compromised, then you should also just dial 911 and wait for EMS to arrive or go to the emergency room (ER) immediately.” “If anything is suspected to be broken, bleeding that doesn’t stop or significant pain, then seek ER evaluation,” adds Diep, mentioning an immediate ER visit is also appropriate for heat cramps, heat exhaus-