Clackamas County - 2024 Service Guide

EXPE Thomas Gray Park Ranger Coordinator What’s my expertise? I have more than 20 years of experience with Clackamas County. I started out as a seasonal park assistant at Eagle Fern Park and now I manage 11 parks on the north side of the county. What I do to help people of Clackamas County? We try to provide the best service we can to make parkgoers have an incredible, peaceful experience, so they’ll keep coming back. Quick facts • We serve about 1.3 million visitors per year. • Our team manages over 961 acres. • Our properties include 220 campsites, 12 picnic shelters and 6 boat launches. Meghan Lunski C-COM Telecommunicator What is your favorite part of the job? What I enjoy most about my job is feeling like I have made a difference. It can be small like giving someone a phone number to help solve a problem or talking someone through a medical call for a loved one. What’s one interesting thing about my your position? The wide range of call types. I have taken calls about skunks with their heads stuck in plungers, followed up by a family member finding a loved one who has passed away. Quick facts • Meghan took the highest number of calls in 2023 with 12,385. • Her longest shift was 14 hours. Deyvin Molina Housing Services Manager What do you like most about your job? Seeing how my efforts make a difference. Helping individuals and families with stable, affordable housing. What I do to help people of Clackamas County? I contribute to developing equitable policies and systems designed to support homeless and low-income communities in the county. Quick facts • Regional Long Term Assistance (RLRA) has housed 790 households over the past three years and is projected to house 1,025 households by the end of the next fiscal year. • RLRA contributed significantly to a 65% decrease in homelessness in Clackamas County. Meet the experts — staff who are working behind the scenes to keep the county running To learn about jobs at Clackamas Cou 22 ClackCo