
Contents | FRONT | PAGE 46 PAGE 22 PAGE 16 | BACK | ON THE COVER: YELLOW GOLD DIAMOND HOOPS. PLATINUM RADIANT CUT DIAMOND RING WITH ½ MOON SIDE DIAMONDS. ROBERTO COIN POIS MOIS PAVE DIAMOND BAND. DIAMOND RIVIERA NECKLACE. ROBERTO COIN DUCHESSA BOLD GOLD NECKLACE. ROBERTO COIN LOVE IN VERONA DIA ZIPPER NECKLACE. OPERA LENGTH DIAMOND NECKLACE. VENETIAN PRINCESS DIAMOND BANGLE BRACELET. FLEXIBLE DIAMOND BYPASS BRACELET. ROBERTO COIN LOVE IN VERONA BANGLE BRACELET. DIAMOND STRETCH BRACELET. ROBERTO COIN PRINCESS DIAMOND BANGLE. DIAMOND FLEX BYPASS BRACELET. PHOTO CREDITS: COVER PHOTO AND OPPOSITE PAGE BY ELIZABETH RUDGE. STYLING BY LAUREN DAY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER. PRESIDENT: STEVEN GOLDFARB FOUNDER: ALVIN GOLDFARB 305 BELLEVUE WAY NE BELLEVUE, WA 98004 425.454.9393 AGJEWELER.COM 8 From Us To You A heartfelt letter from Steven Goldfarb. 10 Now & Forever Jewelry that stands the test of time. 12 Trends Bold gold, floral arrangements, heirloom worthies, and a classic color combo. 20 Custom Built Creating a legacy, one piece at a time. 22 Watch Works A glimpse at the past 54 Ask Steven Steven Goldfarb tackles your most perplexing jewelry dilemmas. 56 Meet the Experts Get to know the team at Alvin Goldfarb Jeweler. 62 Out and About Scenes from a selection of special events supported by Alvin Goldfarb Jeweler. 64 Pawparazzi Your fur babies are always welcome at AGJ. 66 Testimonials Thanks and accolades from our customers. 68 Team Goldfarb Before & now 24 Doorway to the Past A brief history of Bellevue. 26 Strong Foundation Our community makes us stronger. 28 Fashion Forward Superior engineering meets day-to-night looks. 30 People of Note A hall-of-fame family. 46 Weddings & Engagements It’s an especially sweet year to turn over a new life chapter.