
110 PUNCHMAGAZINE.COM FRESH WAYS TO GIVE BACK 10 3. SEND A SMILE Who doesn’t love receiving a thoughtful letter in the mail? Join the fight against senior loneliness with Letters Against Isolation, an international operation founded by two sisters during the pandemic. Every other week, volunteers access an online portal sign up to write letters to care homes across the globe. Once you get the address, come up with positive messages to show seniors that they’re not alone. Bonus points if you include fun stickers or uplifting artwork. Pen them by yourself or host a group for a writing session. Either way, check out lettersagainstisolation.com for more information. TRANSLATE TO A TEE Calling all bilingual volunteers! Service organizations need translators to ensure that their information and services reach people who aren’t proficient in English. Put your multilingual mastery to the test and remove language barriers for those in need. For example, Progeria Research Foundation supports families with children who have a rare disease known as progeria and seeks volunteers who can (asynchronously) translate their newsletter as well as patient documents and letters. Pangea Legal Services, a firm that advocates for immigrants in California, also needs remote volunteers to transcribe legal and medical documents, and more. Get in touch with these groups at progeriaresearch.org and pangealegal.org. 4.