
PUNCHMAGAZINE.COM 111 Pick up the pace with Girls on the Run, a North American organization dedicated to empowering girls on and off the track. The organization has provided a welcoming environment for more than two million participants to get active, gain confidence and develop powerful life skills alongside their peers—and they show no signs of slowing down. There are multiple chapters on the Peninsula for volunteers to join. Become a coach and lead a season full of running, community-building and exercises aimed at strengthening character and self-esteem. Or, if you can’t commit to a full season, lend a hand at one-time events. Get off to the races at gotrbayarea.org. 7. GO THE EXTRA MILE 5. DIVE INTO DECISION-MAKING Ever wondered what it takes to run your town? A whole lot of dedicated volunteers! Join the ranks of everyday citizens taking a seat at the table by contributing to your local government. You can serve on a wide variety of advisory boards, commissions and committees that tackle topics like infrastructure and safety. Volunteers will amplify their voices, meet new people and make a tangible impact on their community. Though some opportunities are time-intensive, many require only a few hours each week. You can also help run one-off events like movie nights or holiday gatherings. Check your city government’s website for more information. 6. Food for thought: 1 in 5 Californians are foodinsecure, yet 40% of all food ends up in the trash can. Peninsula Food Runners began in 2013 to bridge that gap. Founder Maria Yap was motivated by her childhood in Malaysia, where she tagged along with her social worker mother and began noticing a pattern of food-related issues. The group connects grocery stores, restaurants and other food FIGHT HUNGER ON THE FRONT LINES producers to outreach organizations all over the Bay Area. Volunteers pick up and deliver surplus items by car, individually or with a group. Opt for regular on-call food runs or lend a hand as an occasional backup. Peninsula Food Runners also needs help with marketing, grant writing, fundraising and recruiting food donors. Become a food waste warrior at peninsulafoodrunners.org.