
50 PUNCHMAGAZINE.COM {due west} several memorable years of mogul mashing, there he was—a teenager working at Helm of Sun Valley Ski Shop in San Mateo, a job he kept all the way through junior college and college. “It wasn’t work,” he says. “It was a lot of fun and something I always looked forward to.” After graduating from UC Davis, Gary took a job with Kraft Foods as a quality manager in rural Idaho. Less than two years into it, the phone rang with a career- and life-altering offer. “My old manager called and said, ‘Do you want to buy a ski shop?’” he recounts. Gary didn’t have to think too hard: “I said, ‘Sure!’” Four decades later, Gary is still the guy in charge. To clear up any confusion: the original Helm ing and a great day is a well-fitting boot. “The cornerstone of our business is boot-fitting,” he says. “What we’re really good at is analyzing people’s feet and then matching a boot up to that foot and that person’s needs.” Don’t expect to see a giant wall of boots on display. After factoring ability level and aspirations into the puzzle, staff duck into the back and bring out recommended styles for consideration. Customization also plays a vital role. “We’re able to customize boots in many different ways— punching, carving, grinding,” Gary notes, citing examples like molding a boot to accommodate a big toe bunion or boosting comfort and performance through after-market liners. And, he points ABOVE: Gary Hohl (second from left) with his wife Debra Yoder and sons Michael and Brian in front of his San Mateo ski and snowboard shop. was in Sun Valley, Idaho, as befits the name. Westward expansion brought the store to California, where the San Mateo location has been a community fixture for over 63 years. “There aren’t a whole lot of businesses that can say that and we are proud of it,” says Gary. Today, as in years past, Gary’s passion is to get anyone and everyone out there enjoying snow sports and taking full advantage of the Peninsula’s close proximity to the mountains. From experience, Gary believes that the difference between a good day skiing or boardPHOTOGRAPHY: IRENE SEARLES