
PUNCHMAGAZINE.COM 77 respected art instructor, Lonnie excels at marketing her work, but in her own idiosyncratic way. While some artists rely on social media, she prefers to sell through face-to-face interactions. “I like a situation where people know me and what I do,” she says. To that end, she holds salons, where her art is displayed and she can offer demonstrations of the monotype process. “I have sold more work out of my home than you can with what I think and feel, how it comes out of my fingers and what shows up at the end,” she reflects. “It’s like they all work together for me.” imagine,” she laughs. Another technique is approaching a gallery and offering to mount a one- or two-day pop-up show between exhibitions. “I give people a lot of access to me,” she notes. “I like the human part of it all.” Using encaustic monotype to capture the beauty of nature, however transitory and ephemeral, seems to provide Lonnie with unending inspiration. “I have never had anything so lined up shades & layers PAL 102nd Anniversary Exhibit • 668 Ramona Street, Palo Alto Four Lonnie Zarem works on display through January 16 lonniezarem.com ABOVE (left to right): Waterfall, 33” x 39”; Blue Face, 26” x 24”. PHOTOGRAPHY: COURTESY OF ANDREW ZAREM / ANNIE BARNETT