
For more than 100 years, AbilityPath has been an integral part of our community, empowering children and adults with developmental disabilities to achieve their full potential through innovative programs and com- munity partnerships. “My youngest daughter, Annalise, is autistic. Coming to AbilityPath really changed the trajectory of her development. She went from 5 to 10 words to full phrases just from early intervention and speech group alone. I don’t think we would be where we are today if she didn’t come here.” —Tiffany, mom of Annalise AbilityPath is distinctive in providing support to individ- uals throughout their lifetime, from early childhood therapy services and inclusive pre- schools to adult independent living and employment pro- grams, as well as invaluable family support services. “We’ve designed our services with a person-centered approach, listening to the folks we serve, to ensure what we offer is empowering each individual to reach for and achieve their dreams.” —Bryan Neider, CEO Join us in creating a world where people of all abilities are fully accepted, respected, and included in all aspects of life—in the classroom, the workplace and in our communities. AbilityPath A Lifetime of Opportunities for People with Disabilities AbilityPath 350 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 123 Redwood City, CA 94065 info@abilitypath.org 650.259.8500 abilitypath.org/give