
We believe treating just one person has a powerful ripple effect on the community and the world. Behavioral health is a critical aspect of our well-being. Unfortunately, mental health and substance use continues to be stigmatized, under-funded and under-resourced, and often untreated, leading to devastating consequences for individuals, families, and communities. Caminar offers a combination of proven programs that connect individuals and families to the resources they need to avoid falling through the cracks, including services for those who are • Experiencing housing insecurity • Coping with mild to severe mental health conditions • Recovering from substance use conditions When individuals have access to behavioral health care, they are more likely to maintain stable housing and succeed with school and employment. They are also less likely to engage in behaviors that cause harm to themselves or others, reducing the burden on our healthcare and criminal justice systems. This positive change in one person’s life can inspire others to seek help, creating more healing and growth. Together, we can create ripples of positive change. Caminar Resilience. Wellness. Independence. Caminar 411 Borel Avenue, Suite 101 San Mateo, CA 94402 development@caminar.org 650.513.1509 caminar.org