
114 PUNCHMAGAZINE.COM totally untouched,” says Monique, an Eichler purist. “People pass them down from generation to generation.” But sometimes remodels must happen. Roofs deteriorate. Radiant heating fails. Appliances fizzle. Amidst re-dos, vintage adherents will preserve the an Eichler’s architectural integrity, observes Monique. Mark and Heather considered changes to his childhood home before they moved in. Youthful recollections gave him “a cheat sheet” to start. For example, a house with that much glass “gets really cold or really hot.” formica in the kitchen and bath and acquire components for old fixtures and appliances. But new materials complementing and supporting Eichler essence and efficiency can also bring peace to the purist. Even retractable roofs over open-air atriums can harmonize without compromising Love at First Eich PHOTOGRAPHY: COURTESY OF F8 REAL ESTATE MEDIA / COURTESY OF DENNIS MAYER