
96 PUNCHMAGAZINE.COM hued and some are purple-hued and lots of green, of course.” Other plant projects for Tanya include bringing weekly floral arrangements to her clients’ homes as well as crafting customized moss walls. “It’s basically a way to bring greenery into your home that you never have to do anything to,” she describes. “You don’t water it. You don’t touch it. And it can last for years looking beautiful because it’s preserved moss.” When Tanya isn’t nurturing plants, she tends to her husband and two teen boys. She also sensational succulents tanyaslyedesigns.com abodehalfmoonbay.com partners with four other founders to run Half Moon Bay’s wildly popular Jettywave Distillery. As the team’s creative chief, Tanya influences the nautical aesthetics of the distillery and cultivates the patio’s edible garden. The rosemary, sage, nasturtium flowers and countless other herbs and flowers flourishing around the property go straight from planter to plate (or cocktail glass). And when Tanya returns home after a busy day, her own artful planter beds will be waiting for her—ready for a little therapeutic weeding, of course. As Rudyard Kipling once said, “Gardens are not made by singing,‘Oh, how beautiful,’ and sitting in the shade.” {home & design} PHOTOGRAPHY: COURTESY OF VASHEK CERVINKA / PAULETTE PHLIPOT