110 PUNCHMAGAZINE.COM leave holes in the ground and dine on his plants. For BAGRS members, it’s an annoyance that comes with the territory. Far from defenseless, Richard uses an electric fence and a rat trap to keep invaders at bay. He’s also had to fend for the koi—and blue herons, though majestic, have proven quite the foe. “I saw one of those big birds flying away, and I said, ‘I know what that bird does. I hope he didn’t stop at my yard.’ I come in and we’re one or two fish short.” Deepening the once “soup bowlshaped’ pond has helped—especially with raccoons who dip long, agile fingers into the shallows to scoop out fishy delicacies. TRAIN TALK But what’s the point of an exhaustive labor of love if you can’t share it? Each month, when the weather is good, a handful of BAGRS members in a particular geographical region will open their railroads for a club meetup (or “steamup”). “Really, one of the reasons for the open houses is not just to show off the layouts, but for people to gather, socialize, meet with friends that perhaps