
68 PUNCHMAGAZINE.COM {due west} take the league goetzsports.com all the other sports. We still cover other team sports, but we’re known on the Peninsula as baseball specialists. Coming from a sports family, were you always a big Giants fan? Definitely! We grew up at Candlestick, going to freezing-cold games and sitting in the bleachers. Which season do you look back on most fondly? I remember the years that Will Clark and Robby Thompson came up. That’s when you were really starting to fall in love with the team. My brother and I were big Will Clark fans. The Giants won the World Series in 2010, 2012 and 2014. Did that make a big impact on business? Oh, it was great. We always say that business goes up when the Giants are good ’cause kids want to play baseball. Goetz Brothers, in one form or another, was in Redwood City for almost 80 years. Were a lot of customers sad when you left? People were disappointed we were leaving, but when they step into our new store for the first time, they’re like, ‘Oh, we get it.’ More room, the lighting’s a whole lot better. And, they can find a parking spot! What’s your number-one selling item? This is going to sound so stupid, but it’s probably Big League Chew bubble gum. It’s amazing how much we go through. It’s an add-on sale to every kid who walks in the door.